Dude Gets Split In Half During A Race On The Streets In Argentina

Dude Gets Split In Half During A Race On The Streets In Argentina

June 21, 2024 2633 Views

Dude Gets Split In Half During A Race On The Streets In Argentina

Fatal Motorcycle Crash in Merlo, Argentina on June 15 of This Year: Pole Splits Man in Half Leading Him to His Death

A deadly motorcycle crash took place in Merlo, Argentina, on Saturday night, June 15, claiming the life of Matías Adrián Dibastiani, 35. The accident happened shortly before 9 p.m. on Eva Perón Avenue, at the intersection with Helvecia Street. Dibastiani was riding from the town of Libertad towards Ituzaingó.

According to investigators, Dibastiani was riding his motorcycle at a high speed when he hit a light pole. Security camera footage from the Municipality of Merlo showed that he was racing with two other motorcyclists. He lost control after touching the curb, causing the fatal crash.

Initial reports suggested that a robbery might have led to a chase, but this theory was dismissed after the other motorcyclists provided their accounts. They confirmed there was no robbery and that they were simply racing. These witnesses also helped move Dibastiani’s motorcycle from the scene. to allow emergency services to work more easily.

The investigation continues as authorities review the footage and gather more details about the circumstances leading to the accident.
