Woman Gets Mad And Assults Her Neighbor And Calls Him A Ngga After He Came In Her Yard To Get His Dog

Woman Gets Mad And Assults Her Neighbor And Calls Him A Ngga After He Came In Her Yard To Get His Dog

March 8, 2025

Woman Gets Mad And Assults Her Neighbor After He Came In Her Yard To Get Her Dog

STORY: Its Crazy that we still live in such a RACIST world💔😭

Today my boyfriend Domo Mcdonald was assulted by our neighbor because he tried to unchain our dog that was let out of our home by our toddler on accident. 😩The neighbor called him by using the number on our dog’s collar. Once he went to retrieve our dog this is what happend. This woman was FILLED with so much rage & I cannot tell u why! Our Dog is such a sweet dog (this is how she is able to safely chain him on HER property). She then starts to Insult him by using RACIST remarks & THREATS! She would “shoot him” bc he was on her property that she Informed him about his dog being on. & CHAINED up!!! She REFUSED to let him get our dog & assulted him!!!! She then started to DISTURB the ENTIRE neighborhood! Making remarks like “black people cant be home owners” ” We need to put our kids on a leash” . But she was SO Kind on the voicemail when she reported our dog was on her property, but all of that changed when she saw the dog’s owners were black. This world is SCARY! Especially being BLACK!!!!!! She was so PROUD to call him a “N*gga” Over 3 TIMES!!!!!!!!! Im so HURT , Afraid, nervous, for my children & my family. We were BLESSED to be home owners & this woman has Tainted my view so badly 😭 I always knew it existed but NEVER saw it first hand💔 We Filed A Police Report & Are taking steps for restraining orders. Kids r informed on not going ANYWHERE near her property! & We have a camera system which is how I knew what was happening because I was at work watching it LIVE from my phone!!!! Robyn Anderson is the name!
